Wowwwww, i get my first award. I'm so glad and there are thousands thanks to @tamaraemilia , my blogger fella that is so kind to me and give me this award <3 She has amazing blog and i love her style a lots. <3 <3
I really love this kind of award things and jealous with some blogger that can receive a lot of awards. And now i get my first awards and yes, i'm so glad and honored to get this award <3 <3
So what is the rules of this award?
1. Thank the person who have you the award with their blog link on your post.
2. Answer the following 4 questions.
3. Award the blogger appreciation award as many readers/commenter/followers as you’d like.
4. Let the blogger know you’ve just awarded them (by leaving a comment/email/tweet/etc).
1. How long have you been blogging?
I started my blog since 2010, at first i just like re-blog other post that i like and i found it useful for everybody. But on 2011, i was inspired by lots of fashion blogger and make love fashion. And i become like to post about myself , my interest , and my desire.
2. What are 1-2 reasons why you started blogging?
I start blogging because i love to share about myself. And i found it very useful to gain more knowledge in some areas, and updated with recent news in fashion.
3. What types of blog do you like to follow/read?
Mostly, i follow a lots of fashion blogger, beauty make up blogger.
4. What is 1 thing you would like to improve on as a blogger/on your blog?
I would improve about the content on my blog. Take more photoshoot about myself in a better quality, and write a great post to let my followers and readers can't forget about my blog. <3